If you’re a halfway decent looking guy, chances are, you probably have received a booty call online after joining https://www.bootycalls.net . These are random women off of a website that you have a passing acquaintance with soliciting you for sex. Now, they’re not pros. They’re not asking for money, They’re not asking for any type of compensation. Instead, they just want to have a good time with you.
Now, you might be saying, wow, this sounds like a fantasy. No way in hell does this really exist. Well, they do. There are websites that produce this type of experience, and they do it a lot. The secret is to join the right type of site. In fact, if you’re a halfway decent looking dude, Tinder, the mobile dating app, can deliver quite a nice flow of female sexual company.
So you may be asking yourself, how is getting a booty call online any different from an offline booty call? Well, with everything else being equal, you should probably desire an offline booty call. The great thing about an offline booty call is that there are really no surprises.
You met this person at some sort of social setting before. Maybe you met at a college reunion party. Maybe you met at an inter-office get together. Whatever the case may be, you already have initial contact with this person. You talked to this person, obviously got her number, and got her to agree to fuck you on an anonymous or semi-anonymous and definitely casual basis.
You’ve covered a lot of ground already, so a lot of surprises are avoided. This is not the case with getting a booty call online. Sure, it’s more efficient. Sure, it’s faster, but there’s definitely a much more pronounced creepy factor.
It’s like playing Russian roulette. You don’t know which chamber has a bullet that will fucking blow your brains out. That’s how fucked up it can be. There are lots of crazy people out there. We’re not just talking about females either. Guys can go crazy as well. So this is one key factor that is really, really different from an offline booty call.
The second big difference is that it’s driven more my looks. The great thing about an offline booty call is that you have many chances in correcting a fucked up first impression. Maybe you don’t look all that good, but the moment you start opening your mouth and laying down your game, chicks become mesmerized. Their eyes glaze over and they can’t help but give you their phone numbers and the rest, as they say, is history.
You don’t get that second chance with a typical online platform like Tinder because, hey, people don’t have the time. So they look at you and in exactly 4 seconds, they swipe to reject you or they swipe to accept you. That’s all you get. And this is why looks play a very big role in mobile dating apps.
Now, with that said, this doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t get laid. I’m not saying that at all. Nobody’s claiming that. But you have to remember that the dynamics are definitely different. You have to play the numbers game a certain way. In most cases, you probably have to settle for chicks that are below your standards, but hey, why look a gift horse in the mouth? The game is simply set up that way.